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Impact 17 partnership

TFQ - logo.png

The Freelancing Quill (TFQ) recently joined the vibrant and creative team at Impact17, a Design Agency based in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. The company provides design and branding solutions to local and international businesses and is led by its Founder, Tamryn Iyer. 


Impact17 has partnered with TFQ to develop original written content, including design, for social media and marketing for clients. Over the last three months, TFQ has produced written and digital design content for a growing clientele and will be working further to improve this partnership over the course of the year.  


Here are a few of the services TFQ has offered as a content writer and Operations Partner at Impact17:


  • Conceptualise and design social media graphics 

  • Create detailed social media calendars for long-term clients and their brand

  • Curate professional and client-profession specific articles for their online platforms

  • Write appropriate captions to support their social media graphics

  • Design logos for personal brands

  • Proofread copy for clients with larger operations

  • Conceptualise and write website content and newsletters  

  • Assist and manage clients' with social media 


As the Operations Partner, TFQ has introduced the Agile work method to Impact17. TFQ oversees and manages the workflow using Jira Software for the team along with operating as a creative partner during client meetings with the Founder. 

Contact The Freelancing Quill to learn more!

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