The year is new, and I am older. So what can you anticipate from this one-woman agency in 2023?
Well, books! A whole lot of them! But we'll get to that just now. TFQ is going through an interesting transition. The agency is moving from being a successful experiment to a sustained practice of writing, design, and communication strategy.
It’s been a lot of hard work, quiet manifesting, and a touch of divine intervention to get this far. The agency welcomed over 12 new clients and worked on over 80 projects. I wrote about the importance of investor memos, AI technology in health, music theory, flute practice, and more! I edited, strategised, consulted, and designed. I laughed with clients, said goodbye to a few, and forged new partnerships.
And that's just what I did last year alone. But now we move on to bigger, better things because one cannot rest on past laurels. So, what am I getting up to this year? Let's take a look:
Begin with the end in mind
Last year I loved learning about how Agile works — and how it can be applied to any project. This year I want to let it loose on the agency's client and project management. There were major issues with scope creep and multiple deprioritisations of projects because of it, so I’m about to navigate potential tough situations with appropriate planning.
Effectiveness before efficiency
There’s something called Parkinson’s Law that goes something like “work takes up the time you allow for it.”
Last year I allowed only six main tasks on my daily to-do list. This kept me on track because work was cut up into bite-sized chunks and I didn’t feel overwhelmed by new work. But as perfect as that sounds, I definitely had days of complete and utter procrastination because I didn’t factor in being human (tired, sick, and wanting to do other, more fun things). This meant that I agonised over how much work there was to do, and how little time I had to complete it and then spent a lot of time doing work that should not have taken me that long.
In 2023, that six-things-a-day list will still exist. But it will allow for transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Flexibility is the goal this year.
Okay, here we are! This year I’ll be running a book club and will be posting reviews on this page! I’ll be reading everything from philosophy to science fiction (because those are the books I have towering up on my bedside table!) and sharing my thoughts and recommendations about them.
I’m actually excited about this — I loved writing book reports in school and now I’m making it a part of my business. Let’s see where it takes the agency ;)
Right now I’m devouring the last book of the Broken Earth series by N.K Jemisin. Stay tuned for my review of the entire series soon!